Given an edge-weighted digraph, find the shortest path from s to t.
public interface SP
double distTo(int v); //length of shortest path from s to v
Iterable<DirectedEdge> pathTo(int v);
boolean hasPathTo(int v);
public interface DirectedEdge
int from();
int to ();
double weight();
public class DirectedEdgeImpl implements DirectedEdge
private final int v, w;
private final double weight;
public DirectedEdge(int v, int w, double weight)
this.v = v;
this.w = w;
this.weight = weight;
public int from()
return v;
public int to()
return w;
public int weight()
return weight;
public interface EdgeWeightedDigraph
void addEdge(DirectedEdge e);
Iterable<DirectedEdge> adj(int v);
int V();
int E();
Iterable<DirectedEdge> edges();
public class EdgeWeightedDigraph
private final int V;
private final Bag<Edge>[] adj;
public EdgeWeightedDigraph(int V)
this.V = V;
adj = (Bag<DirectedGraph>[]) new Bag[V];
for (int v = 0; v < V; v++)
adj[v] = new Bag<DirectedEdge>();
public void addEdge(DirectedEdge e)
int v = e.from();
public Iterable<DirectedEdge> adj(int v)
return adj[v];
// + consider vertices in increasing order of distance from s
// + Add vertex to tree and relax all edges pointing from that vertex
public class DijkstraSP implements SP
private DirectedEdge[] edgeTo;
private double[] distTo;
private IndexMinPQ<Double> pq;
public DijkstraSP(EdgeWeightedDigraph G, int s)
edgeTo = new DirectedEdge[G.V()];
distTo = new double[G.V()];
pq = new IndexMinPQ<Double>(G.V());
for (int v = 0; v < G.V(); v++)
distTo[v] = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
distTo[s] = 0.0;
pq.insert(s, 0.0);
while (!pq.isEmpty())
int v = pq.delMin();
for (DirectedEdge e: G.adj(v))
private void relax(DirectedEdge e)
int v = e.from(), w =;
if (distTo[w] > distTo[v] + e.weight())
distTo[w] = distTo[v] + e.weight();
edgeTo[w] = e;
pq.decreaseKey(w, distTo[w]);
pq.insert(w, distTo[w]);
// + Consider vertices in topplogical order
// + Relax all edges pointing from that vertex.
public class AcyclicSP implements SP
private DirectedEdge[] edgeTo;
private double[] distTo;
public AcyclicSP(EdgeWeightedDigraph G, int s)
edgeTo = new DirectedEdge[G.V()];
distTo = new double[G.V()];
for (int v = 0; v < G(); v++)
distTo[v] = Double.POSITIVE_INFNITY;
distTo[s] = 0.0;
Topological topological = new Topological(G);
for (int v : topological.order())
for (DirectedEdge e : G.adj(v))
Improvement: negative cycles
// + Initialize distTo[s] = 0 and distTo[v] = ∞ for all other vertices
// + Repeat V times:
// Relax each edge
for (int i = 0; i < G.V(); i++)
for (int v = 0; v < G.V(); v++)
for(DirectedEdge e : G.adj(v))